Missisisppi firefighters fight large fire saving over 100 structures
From the Mississippi Forestry Commission:
#MSforestry Commission responded to a fire yesterday in Ocean Springs threatening an estimated 181 structures that were saved. Crews fought the fire by cutting firebreaks and back firing until the 110-acre fire was under control.
Crews will monitor the fire for a couple more days. The MFC would like to thank the U.S. Forest Service and Jackson County fire departments and other resources on the scene protecting homes during this event. #forestprotection
From The Nature Conservancy:
Late last night staff from The Nature Conservancy’s fire team assisted in fighting a wildfire that burned more than 160 acres close to our Old Fort Bayou property near Ocean Springs. Teams from the Mississippi Forestry Commission, The Nature Conservancy in Mississippi, Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge, Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, and Jackson County Fire Department worked late into the night to bring the fire under control.
As wildfires continue to threaten our southern counties, learn how to prepare your yard and home to withstand wildfires. Click here to learn about the “Firewise” program: https://bit.ly/FIREWISEMS